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Inshore Waters and Shipping Forecast Maps

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The Inshore Waters Forecast

The Met Office Inshore Waters forecast is issued twice daily. The time of issue is given at the top of the page. The forecast is given for areas of coastline bounded by key locations. These vary according to the forecast but HSSC normally falls within "North Foreland to Selsey Bill". As winds closer to the shore are affected by the land mass, and are also prone to sea breezes during the summer, this information may be more pertinent to dinghy sailors and windsurfers than the Shipping Forecast.

Inshore Waters Forecast reference points
Inshore Waters Forecast from the Met Office

The Shipping Forecast

The Met Office Shipping forecast is issued twice daily. The time of issue is given at the top of the page. The area of interest to HSSC sailors is "Dover", although the neighbouring areas of "Thames" and "Wight" may also be of interest in assessing the effects of weather systems moving towards Hythe. Gale warnings, if applicable, are also stated at the top of the page.

Shipping Forecast areas
Shipping Forecast from the Met Office

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